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Shop Smartwatches, Laptops, Tablets, Audios & More - 8% Off Selected Products


  • Huawei is a global technology leader, driving innovation and delivering incredible experiences for consumers.
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  • Buy Smartphones, PC and tablets, wearables, family devices and more.
  • This offer is a Sale Only Offer which means this offer and/or discount is available from a Merchant and is likewise also made available to the general public. You will not receive an additional saving.
    1. The products are subject to availability and while stocks last. Other products are excluded from the discount voucher and will not benefit from any promotional discount.
    2. To redeem the discount voucher, please enter its code at the checkout page. Redemption may be subject to proof of your entitlement to use the discount voucher.
    3. The discount voucher can only be redeemed for one order. If you have entered the code at the checkout page, but the payment is not completed successfully, the code will not be redeemable until the unpaid order is cancelled by the system after 30 minutes.
    4. Only one discount voucher can be used in a single transaction. Multiple products in one payment are considered as one transaction.
    5. The discount voucher is personal to the recipient and cannot be copied, reproduced, distributed, transferred or exchanged directly or indirectly in any form or by any means for use by an entity other than the original recipient and has no cash value. Cash alternatives are not available.
    6. Unless otherwise expressed at the time of the discount voucher being issued, the discount voucher may not be used on pre-orders, pre-existing orders and is not valid in conjunction with any other discount vouchers, offers or promotions. Delivery and shipping charges shall not be discounted unless specifically stated in the offer description.
    7. The Organizer accepts no responsibility if you fail to take advantage of the discount voucher because of your incomplete or incorrect redeeming of the discount voucher.
    8. The Organizer’s terms and conditions of sale shall apply to purchases. For details, please see:
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    11. The Organizer reserve the right to cancel a discount voucher at any time without prior written notice and/or to alter or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time.
    12. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid by any law, rule, order or regulation of any government, or by the final determination of any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions.
    13. All legal relationships arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and the promotion are subject to English Law.
    14. The discount voucher is provided by Huawei Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd. a company exiting under the laws of England and Wales whose registered office is at 300 South Oak Way, Reading, RG2 6AD, United Kingdom (“Organizer”).

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